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Your GIFT is MORE than money.
It’s HOPE for hundreds of neighbors.
Every dollar given is valued and directly supports our mission of neighbors helping neighbors facing sudden crisis.
Supporters, volunteers, and donors are the lifeblood of our organization. We rely on the continued generosity of our community for all we’ve done and continue to do. Every dollar gifted to the Neighbor Brigade mission has a direct impact on our organization and the clients we serve.
Check out the Top 10 Ways Your Donation Helps Create Impact
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Contact our Director of Development with any questions about making a gift or becoming a sponsor.
Mark Murphy

Voluneer FAQ's
Are there any requirements or restrictions to volunteer?All volunteers must agree to the policies and waivers within our Volunteer Handbook, have access to an email account and be able to access our online volunteer software. Volunteers must be 14 years of age or older to volunteer independently. Volunteers 14-17 years old must fill out a paper application that is signed by a parent/guardian in addition to setting up an online account. The Parent/Guardian form will also serve as a valid background check for minors until their 18th birthday. Volunteers 18+ only need to complete the online application form. Currently, we are requiring that all volunteers pass a background check and Food Handler Training in order to participate in volunteer activities. There may be additional requirements or restrictions based upon the Activities requested. For example, volunteers must have a background check performed and a valid driver’s license if you would like to provide a ride for a client. We do not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, marital status, citizenship, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected under the laws of the United States. We are actively and consciously making efforts through grants and actions to be inclusive and inviting of all populations including but not limited to black volunteers and foreign language speakers.
How does Meal Preparation and Delivery work?During the COVID-19 pandemic additional precautions, cleaning and preventative measures should be taken, including wearing a mask. There also may be restrictions on homemade meals during this time, and the meal delivery activity could be restricted to store bought, prepared food, take out or delivery from restaurants or restaurant gift cards. Please check out the activity description if you are signing up! In general, almost anything goes! Unless COVID-19 restrictions, allergies, dislikes, or food restrictions are mentioned in the description, there are no rules on what you make or don’t make. Remember the containers you deliver the food in will not be returned to you. Some people might make a home-cooked entree with sides and dessert, while others send a pizza delivery. You decide! Grab takeout from a local restaurant or have it delivered, pick up prepared meals at a deli or grocery store, or make everything from scratch. It’s up to you. You might choose to just include a main dish (baked chicken, lasagna or soup), or you might want to throw in a salad, fresh bread and cookies for dessert. It’s entirely up to what you want to do! Drop if off warm, or include heating instructions. Anything works! Once you have prepared the meal, you typically will drop it off to a cooler outside the client’s home during a specified time frame. You generally should not ring the doorbell or interact with the recipient, a lot of times it may be a quiet time for families. Your Chapter Leader will let you know if there are additional delivery instructions. You are required to use proper Food Handling techniques for cleanliness and contamination in preparation and delivery.
What happens when I sign up for a ride?For the safety of our clients and volunteers we are not currently offering volunteer supplied rides, we are however, still providing some ride assistance to clients through donations and grant support. If you are interested in helping with rides to our clients in temporary crisis, please consider donating Uber, Lyft or taxi gift cards to your local chapter. Typically, when you sign up for a ride, you will be given a pick up and/or drop off time. In some cases, you will exchange cell phone numbers with a client so that you can confirm pickup/drop off times with the client or with a doctor’s office (if picking up after an appointment). The client will likely be waiting for you. You may or may not need to go to the door. Neighbor Brigade volunteers are not legally permitted to perform medical assistance or physically lift clients, but you can help carry or load any extra devices or material into or out of your car. Some rides are split up into separate drop off and pick up tasks and you may only decide to help with one leg of the ride, while other tasks will include both drop off and pickup. Make sure you know what you signed up for, as well as how long it will take you to get to and from the destination. You should know in advance and make sure your car is safe and clean enough to fit the recipient and anything they may have with them (wheelchair, walker, crutches, additional person). Due to COVID-19 restrictions we might not be offering rides and may have additional requirements.
What does a dog walk entail?Please note we might not be offering dog walks due to COVID-19 restrictions. Often times there is a description of what might be needed for a dog walk, but sometimes clients and dogs are just happy to get the dog out of the house. Generally, you will show up at the client’s home. The dog(s) should be ready and the client will meet you at the door with the leash, poop bags, and any other information. You may want to find out if the dog gets along with other dogs, will pull on the leash if there is a squirrel or other distraction, how to dispose of a poop bag, as well as a recommended walking route if you don’t know the area. We find most dogs we help are well adjusted and well-behaved pets. Often times volunteers are given treats to help bond with the dog, you will want to ask before bringing your own treats in case the dog has food sensitivities. You will likely walk the dog for 10-20 minutes.
Where is the client's address?In most scenarios you will have to sign up for the activity before knowing the address to protect our client privacy or there may be other sensitive private information involved. If this is the case, and you have already signed up for the activity: Log in to your volunteer profile via web browser ( or the My Impact app and click on the Schedule tab from the Menu. On the web browser, hover over or click on the i/information button and you should see the full text of the Activity description, including any additional information just for volunteers who have signed up to help. On the app, click on the Activity name. Any additional information for volunteers who have signed up is listed at the bottom of the description. If you have problems, please contact your Chapter Leader or
Will I receive a reminder or confirmation about the activity I signed up for?In order to minimize spam filter conflicts, reminder emails are not the default. You will need to opt-in to reminders. If you opt-in, you will receive reminders on the weekend, one and two weeks before the activity that you’ve signed up for. (So, if you sign up on Monday for an activity on Friday, you will not receive an automatic email reminder!) If you use an online calendar on your phone or computer you can add individual activities from your schedule tab, or you can set up and subscribe to a calendar feed in your profile. Depending on your calendar settings, it can automatically fill, update and send you reminders (i.e. google calendar, outlook calendar, or iCal). To set up your subscriptions: Log in to your volunteer profile at or on the My Impact app. On the website, click on the My Profile/Contacts tab on the upper right side, and scroll down. You’ll see the Subscriptions section on the right side including setting up a calendar feed. On the app, you can subscribe to the reminder emails by going to the Schedule tab of the menu and scrolling down. Please note, you will not receive an automated confirmation when you sign up for an activity. Check your schedule tab to confirm your signup!
How do I know what meals everyone else is bringing?Unfortunately, you don’t! Sorry! We are hoping to have that feature added into the software. If meal delivery to the same family continues for a few months or is frequent (many nights per week), you can work with your chapter leader to set up a recommendation schedule to avoid some overlap (i.e. Mondays are chicken, Wednesdays are beef/pork/fish, and Fridays are vegetarian). We get comments that chicken parm, Shepard’s pie and macaroni and cheese, are the most frequently repeated home cooked meals (and also some of the favorites!) and pizza delivery if you want to try something different. Above all (considering any dietary restrictions, sensitivities, or preferences listed), you should just make what you want! Anything works. Our client’s are so lucky to have the meal and grateful for what you share.
I can't see the activity my Chapter Leader emailed me about. Where is it?You can see any of the listed Activities by logging in and looking at the Opportunities tab. Some activities you might not be able to see if you don’t have updated qualifications in our system, if the shifts have already been filled by other volunteers or depending on how you are viewing the schedule. Log in at http://volunteer.neighborbrigade.orgor in the My Impact app. To make sure your Qualifications are up to date go to My Profile -> Qualifications towards the top right of the screen and update and save the appropriate settings. Please note that you will likely be required to have a valid background check performed annually by our organization in order to volunteer. We are also currently requiring that volunteers have agreed to our handbook and completes COVID-19 Preparedness Training and Food Handler Training found under My Profile -> Training. Click on the Opportunities -> Opportunities List in the menu. There is a filter box at the top of the Opportunities List page, you may need to adjust your filters if you aren’t seeing Activities that you are qualified for. For example, the Filters may be hiding Activities that have already been filled. Make sure the box next to “Only include activities that have openings available” is unchecked. Click on the Activity name. You’ll be brought to the Activity description and signup page. Read/scroll beyond the description and you’ll see the available schedule at the bottom of the page. Click on the Sign Up button to the right of the date and time shift(s) you are interested in signing up for in the web version or click on the checkbox next to the shift and click the “Signup for Selected” button on the bottom of the shifts in the app to sign up. If there is no Sign Up button of the bottom of the Activity Description, the shifts are likely already filled. You may or may not see a small quick signup confirmation on your screen after signing up. You can find any shift you have signed up for your Schedule tab. (Note: You will not receive an email confirmation of your signup.)
Where can I see what I have already signed up for?Log in to your volunteer profile at or on the My Impact app. You might see some scheduled Activities right away under your Upcoming Tasks section on your home screen. Click on the Schedule tab in the menu bar. You’ll be able to see the Activities that you are signed up for. You can click on or hover over the i/information box to read the description or remove yourself from the Activity on the website version, or click on the activity first to see the description or remove yourself from the activity in the app version. Contact if you are having problems.
I have moved or no longer want to volunteer. How do I remove my account?Thank you for having been a volunteer! We understand circumstances in life or location change and appreciate you keeping your account up to date, even if it means having to say goodbye! Once you resign, you will no longer be able to sign up for activities or log hours through Neighbor Brigade. However, you can sign back up using the same profile in the future if your circumstances allow. Login to Under the My Profile tab on the right side, click on Organizations. You should see a button to resign from your chapter. Please note that you still may have to unsubscribe from Neighbor Brigade organization emails. Also please note we may retain some of your data for our history of client services and liability records. Contact if you have any questions or problems or to resign from your chapter for you.
What do you do with our personal information?Your privacy and security are important to us and to our software partners. Most of your information (contact information, demographics, sign up data) is kept private and only accessible to Neighbor Brigade staff and Chapter Leaders. We do not share, sell or distribute our volunteer or donor information. You will generally be notified first, but on some occasions name and minimal contact information may be shared between Neighbor Brigade and a client you are serving if you have signed up to help that client. Some client information will be shared with volunteers and will generally have approval. You are able to opt in to your name being shown in the scheduling software for other volunteers to see. Some Chapter Leaders thank and welcome volunteers by name within chapter communications and social media. Your optional demographic data is compiled without name attached and used for grant writing, funding and annual report purposes. We do not sell or share your contact information and work hard to ensure the safety of your online identity, schedule, contact information and any other personal data within our system and with our software partners. In the event that we will use your name, likeness, comments or story for market, public relations or on social media, we will verify that you have agreed to our marketing waiver and generally ask your permission.
How do I install My Impact app?You can use the My Impact app to log in, sign up and view your Chapter opportunities and schedule on your Android or Apple based device! It’s super convenient! Check out the instructions and follow the links from the My Impact website!
How do I digitally submit my iCori form (for Massachusetts volunteers only)?If you are using a desktop or web version of Better Impact: Print out, fill out and sign your CORI form, and have your driver’s license available. Take a picture or scan your document. Transfer the files if necessary and save in and easy to find location on your computer. Log in at Click on My Profile -> Additional Information (towards the top right side) Scroll a little down to see the “CORI Form” on the left, and click the associated “Choose File” button. You will need to locate the file from your computer and click Open. Click the purple Save button when you are done (scroll up if necessary). You will receive an email once your check has been completed, or if additional information is needed. If you are using the My Impact app on a mobile device: Print out, fill out and sign your CORI form, and have your driver’s license available. Log in to the My Impact app. Click on Menu, then My Profile, then Additional lnfo. Use the Choose File button, and the appropriate option to upload your document (Take a Photo or Video, access your Photo Library if you have taken the photo already, or Browse your files).
I can't log in! Help?If you remember the email address you registered with (likely you are receiving email from Neighbor Brigade to that account) you can use the Forgot Password link at Or you can email, and we will reset your username and password for you and help you log in!
How do I know what opportunities are available?Each time your community has a new need, your Chapter Leader should send you an email notifying you of activities coming up over the next month or so or last-minute needs within the week. You should then login at or in the My Impact app and click on the Opportunities tab from the menu. Activities might not be viewable in the Opportunity Calendar view or depending on your filters in the Opportunity List (e.g. Activities that have been already filled or Activities that you do not have Qualifications for) You can login at any time to see if there are any needs available, updates, or new available shifts added or slots still remaining. Log in at or in the My Impact app and click on the Opportunities tab. Please Note: You may need to update your Qualifications to see some Activities (for example, providing rides will require a valid background check and driver’s license. You can update your Qualifications under the My Profile tab. Other times Opportunities may be visible to everyone and you may be required to provide your Qualifications after signing up. If you are having difficulty viewing activities, signing up or completing your Qualifications, please email
How do I sign up for an activity?To view and sign up for Activities using the Opportunity Calendar View: Please note that only available schedule activities will show up in the calendar view. If you do not have the qualifications for the activity, an activity has already been filled by volunteers or has an open schedule (like a collection/drive/fundraiser) you must use the Opportunity List to view the activity. Log in at (if you need your login information reset, please email Click on the Opportunities tab (on the top) Select Opportunity Calendar Opportunities will show up on the calendar on the day they are scheduled. - The first two characters refer to the start time (e.g. 4P= 4:00 pm; 10A 10:00 AM) - Opportunities are color coded by Activity Category. - Hovering over the Activity will show an open or slashed circle indicating that the task has been filled or not. Click on the Opportunity to read the Activity Description or sign up. Scroll down the window to reveal any openings and use the +Sign Up Button at the bottom of the Activity description pop-up to sign up! To sign up for community collections and other Activities using the Opportunity List View: Please note that you might not be able to view Activities that you do not have qualifications for. If all activity shifts have already been filled by other volunteers, you may need to adjust your filters to view the Activity description. Log in at (if you need your login information reset, email Click on the Opportunities tab (on the top) Select Opportunity List Scroll to view the Activities. Click on an Activity you are interested in to read more about it. Read/scroll beyond the description and you’ll see the available schedule at the bottom of the page. Click on the Sign Up button to the right of the date and time shift(s) you are interested in signing up for. To sign up for activities using the My Impact app: Log in at on the My Impact app (if you need your login information reset, email Click on the Menu tab. Click on Opportunities. Scroll to view the Activities. Click on an Activity you are interested in to read more about it. Read/scroll beyond the description and you’ll see the available schedule at the bottom of the page. Click on the check box next to the shift(s) you are interested in and click the Signup for Selected, or the arrow to the right of the shirt and click on the Sign Up button With any of these sign up methods, you can confirm you have signed up by looking at your Schedule tab. Email with any questions.
Where can I find the client's address?In most cases, you will have to sign up for the activity first, before knowing the address to protect our Client privacy or there may be other sensitive private information involved (for example, pin codes to a building entry or phone numbers). If this is the case, and you have already signed up for the activity: Log in to your volunteer profile via web browser ( or the My Impact app and click on the Schedule tab from the Menu. On the web browser, hover over or click on the i/information button and you should see the full text of the Activity description, including any additional information just for volunteers who have signed up to help. On the app, click on the Activity name. Any additional information for volunteers who have signed up is listed at the bottom of the description. Email with any questions or problems.
Will I receive a reminder or confirmation about the activity I signed up for?In order to minimize spam filter conflicts, reminder emails are not the default. You will need to opt-in to reminders. If you opt-in, you will receive reminders on the weekend, one and two weeks before the activity that you’ve signed up for. (So, if you sign up on Monday for an activity on Friday, you will not receive an automatic email reminder!) If you use an online calendar on your phone or computer you can add individual activities from your schedule tab, or you can set up and subscribe to a calendar feed in your profile. Depending on your calendar settings, it can automatically fill, update and send you reminders (i.e. google calendar, outlook calendar, or iCal). To set up your subscriptions: Log in to your volunteer profile at or on the My Impact app. On the website, click on the My Profile/Contacts tab on the upper right side, and scroll down. You’ll see the Subscriptions section on the right side including setting up a calendar feed. On the app, you can subscribe to the reminder emails by going to the Schedule tab of the menu and scrolling down. Please note, you will not receive an automated confirmation when you sign up for an activity. Check your schedule tab to confirm your signup!
Where can I find a list of what I signed up for?Log in to your volunteer profile at or on the My Impact app. You might see some scheduled Activities right away under your Upcoming Tasks section on your home screen. Click on the Schedule tab in the menu bar. You’ll be able to see the Activities that you are signed up for. You can click on or hover over the i/information box to read the description or remove yourself from the Activity on the website version, or click on the activity first to see the description or remove yourself from the activity in the app version. Contact if you are having problems.
I have questions about the software/app.No problem! We love questions! We’re happy to provide the assistance! Feel free to email with any questions. We’ll get back to you quickly via email, can also call or set up a screen sharing video conference if necessary. Our volunteer management software also has an online instruction guide that you can find here:
I want to remove myself from an activity.We understand things come up in busy lives! You can often remove yourself from the shift on your own using the instructions below – if the Remove button isn’t available (typically not an option under 48 hours before the activity but can vary depending on how your Chapter Leader has set it up), you will need to contact your Chapter Leader directly to let her/him know of your change of plans. Log on to or on the My Impact app. Click on the Schedule tab from the menu. You should see and be able to click the [Remove] button next to the shifts you are interested in removing yourself from on the web version, or in the app, click on the activity shift and the [Remove] button will be at the top of the screen.
How do I upload my CORI form for a background check (Massachusetts Volunteers only)?If you are using a desktop or web version of Better Impact: Print out, fill out and sign your CORI form, and have your driver’s license available. Take a picture or scan your document. Transfer the files if necessary and save in and easy to find location on your computer. Log in at Click on My Profile -> Additional Information (towards the top right side) Scroll a little down to see the “CORI Form” on the left, and click the associated “Choose File” button. You should be able to locate your file from your computer and click Open. Click the purple Save button when you are done (scroll up if necessary). You will receive an email once your check has been completed, or if additional information is needed. If you are using the My Impact app on a mobile device: Print out, fill out and sign your CORI form, and have your driver’s license available. Log in to the My Impact app. Click on Menu, then My Profile, then Additional lnfo. Use the Choose File button, and the appropriate option to upload your document (Take a Photo or Video, access your Photo Library if you have taken the photo already, or Browse your files).
What is the background check process?Background checks are valid for one year and then the paperwork or forms must be filled out again and processed through Neighbor Brigade. Due to the COVID-19 crisis, we are currently requiring background checks for all of our volunteers to participate in activities. Background checks are always required for any intentional face to face interaction of service (for example providing rides and friendly visits). While delivering meals, clients and volunteers may see each other but should be aware that background checks may not have not been done and we do not recommend volunteers step foot inside the home of a client if no background check has been completed (as written in our volunteer handbook). In Massachusetts, background checks, also referred to as CORI checks, are free of charge but volunteers must fill out forms and photocopy their ID’s to complete the process. For chapters outside of Massachusetts our background checks are managed by Sterling Volunteers, a national background check system, and involve a fee that our organization is responsible for. Sterling Volunteers is also an option for clients, as well as volunteers in Massachusetts that may not have a state ID, social security number, or access to complete forms, or for a more thorough or national background check. Neighbor Brigade staff are responsible for processing all background checks after they have been completed and will update a volunteer account. Our staff will send an email to volunteers letting them know when a background check needs to been updated or expired. Background and personal information is not shared beyond staff, board members and perhaps Chapter Leaders, and is typically limited to a pass or fail. A failure to pass a background check will end up in a conversation with our Executive Director to discuss the circumstances and what roles the volunteer is eligible for in Neighbor Brigade. A past criminal history will not necessarily preclude volunteers from being eligible to help depending on the volunteer activity and role, nature of the history and time passed.
Where can I find background check forms?Massachusetts volunteers will use the iCori system. This requires printing out a paper form, filling out and signing the form, and returning it (via email, fax, mail, or uploading in our volunteer software). You will also need to provide a copy of the front and back of your driver’s license (submit a photocopy, scan or cell phone photo via email, fax, mail or uploading in our volunteer software.) You will receive an email from Neighbor Brigade staff once your background check has cleared. You can find the CORI form at on the Volunteers form of this website. Volunteers outside of Massachusetts will used Sterling Volunteers. To receive an invitation to this service, please email You will receive an email to complete the check and an email from our staff when it has completed.
Why do you need to perform a Sex Offender check?Any time a minor aged 17 or under (or often the elderly) is involved in receiving services or volunteering, legally a Sex Offender check must be done on all adults (clients and volunteers) that will interact with the minor.
What is Sterling Volunteers?Sterling Volunteers (formerly Verified Volunteers) is a national background check system. We use this paid service to perform all of our background checks on volunteers outside of Massachusetts. We also use Sterling Volunteers for national background checks, background checks for clients, and when a CORI check might not be easily accessible (e.g. technology access limitations or volunteers who don’t have government supplied identification and/or a social security number). Using Sterling Volunteers for a background check requires a volunteer to submit information online. The Sterling Volunteers system will run a check and return a red light or green light to Neighbor Brigade staff. Neighbor Brigade staff do not see details of a report, just a yes or no if a criminal history exists. If there is existence of a criminal history, the Neighbor Brigade Executive Director will contact the applicant to discuss further and clear or discuss any constraints on volunteering activities.
What if I have a background?If you have felony or criminal background in your history, the Executive Director is open to a discussion after the check has been made to discuss volunteer opportunities and if there are any limitations on your participation.
What do you do with our personal information?Your privacy and security are important to us and to our software partners. Most of your information (contact information, demographics, sign up data) is kept private and only accessible to Neighbor Brigade staff and Chapter Leaders. We do not share, sell or distribute our volunteer or donor information. You will generally be notified first, but on some occasions name and minimal contact information may be shared between Neighbor Brigade and a client you are serving if you have signed up to help that client. Some client information will be shared with volunteers and will generally have approval. You are able to opt in to your name being shown in the scheduling software for other volunteers to see. Some Chapter Leaders thank and welcome volunteers by name within chapter communications and social media. Your optional demographic data is compiled without name attached and used for grant writing, funding and annual report purposes. We do not sell or share your contact information and work hard to ensure the safety of your online identity, schedule, contact information and any other personal data within our system and with our software partners. In the event that we will use your name, likeness, comments or story for market, public relations or on social media, we will verify that you have agreed to our marketing waiver and generally ask your permission.
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